This is a really good game and he's playing it failry well.
A photo posted by Al Cheddah (@cheddahgamepics) on
A photo posted by Al Cheddah (@cheddahgamepics) on
A photo posted by Al Cheddah (@cheddahgamepics) on
A photo posted by Al Cheddah (@cheddahgamepics) on
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I started of the year 2K16 with some New Followers/Subscribers! I've gotten 3 YT subs, 19 IG and at least 5 vine follows. Plus a new like on my FB page! I started a STEAM group for my Indie LPs (just a few more recommendations and it'll go PUBLIC! XD)
Also working on my first co-op series! This had been a really great week for me and my channel! Thank you Most High!